ADHD Treatment and Management

Adora Behavioral Health helps support people and families who deal with ADHD—a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition that can have effects on learning, behavior, and functioning.

What is ADHD?

ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder) is a brain disorder. It majorly causes patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that aren’t consistent with a person’s developmental level.

All of these can affect a person's ability to focus, follow through on tasks, control their behavior, and regulate their emotions.

ADHD affects people of all ages and genders.

How Does ADHD Affect a Person?

ADHD affects how someone processes sensory information, meaning it can take longer for those with ADHD to respond to environmental stimuli.

ADHD can have a lot of symptoms, some of the most common ones include:

  • A short attention span.
  • Difficulty focusing/concentrating.
  • Cutting people off during a conversation.
  • Weak impulse control.
  • Poor time management.
  • Restlessness.
  • Disorganization.
  • Inability to sit still.
  • Irritability.
  • Difficulty following through.

The symptoms of ADHD can differ.

How Untreated ADHD Can Look Like

In Academic Settings

Inability to keep up with assignments, frequent interruptions during class and weak academic performance.

At Work

Difficulty maintaining focus on tasks, meeting deadlines, and not managing time efficiently which causes job loss or underemployment.


Issues maintaining long-term relationships, impulsive behaviors that can complicate interactions and a high probability of doing risky things.


A continuous struggle with self-doubt, feeling overwhelmed by everyday tasks which causes a negative self-image.

Health and Legal Issues

Risk of substance abuse, legal problems related to impulsive decisions, and a possibility of having co-occurring mental health disorders like anxiety or depression.

How We Treat ADHD

We specialize in medication management. Medication is a highly effective treatment for ADHD and in nearly 9 out of 10 cases of ADHD, the majority of symptoms disappear when on the right medication and dosage.

We think that medication should be both effective and conscientious. Our medication management can include:

Creation of a custom plan that targets the issues faced by you or your child.

A thorough diagnosis to understand your or your child's symptom profile.

Continual assessment of medication effects and adjusting dosages as needed to achieve the intended effect.

Continuous support and advice to help you understand the role of medication in managing ADHD.

Next Steps

Give us a call today for a consultation and learn more about how our medication management can make a difference.